How to Marriage Certificate Affidavit Make.

          How to Marriage Certificate Affidavit Make.

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We  a),................. Mia s/o .................... Mia of ..................... Hospital road, w/No-6,PS...................Dist.Sepahijala Tripura, aged 36 yrs, by Cast Muslim, by profession-...........................

citizen of India, do hearby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

 b), ............... Mia s/o ............. Mia of ............... Hospital road, w/No-.,PS............... Dist.Sepahijala Tripura, aged 36 yrs, by Cast Muslim, by profession-................. citizen of India, do hearby solemnly affirm and  declare on oath as follows:-

1)             That our marriage has been solemnized on 13/4/15 A/D as per Muslim rites and customs in presence of our relatives and friends at rangamatia.
                                                                                       This is true to my knowledge   

 2)   That since our marriage we have been living happy & conjugal life as husband and wife at ................... Hospital Road,Ps-.................,Dist-Sepahijala ,Tripura.
                                                                                      This is true to my knowledge

3)    That we swear and sign this affidavit for obtaining Marriage Registration Certificate from the competent authority.
                                                                                    This is true to my knowledge
The statements made above are true to our knowledge and  In acknowledgement whereof we put our signature/LTI/RTI  on this -------of May 2018 at   Sonamura Court premises.

Deponent is identified by me.

ADVOCATE                                                                                               DEPONENT

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