How to written Bail Application U/s-439 Cr.p.c


How to written Bail Application U/s-439 Cr.p.c

                                               IN THE COURT OF THE SESSIONS JUDGE
                                               ------------------------ SEPAHIJALA TRIPURA


                                                                                  Sri -------------- Debnath
                                                                                  S/o Sri-----------------Debnath
                                                                                  Resident Of North ---------
                                                                                  P.s& P.o----------------,
                                                                                  Dist-Sepahijala, Tripura.
                                                                                              …………………………..Accused Person
                                                                                              The State

The humble petition of the accused petitioner most respectfully states as under:

1)      That the present accused person had received the summons as issued by this Ld. Court and on received the said summons he appeared before the Ld. Court with a prayer of bail.

2)       That the present petitioner is totally innocent regarding the alleged offence and the allegations are absolutely baseless against the present accused petitioner.

3)       That the complainant / informant has filed the complaint to take revenge against the present petitioner without any rhymes and reasons.

4)       That the police personnel of Bishalgarh women p.s. has registered the present complaint on false allegation only to malign the accused person in the society.

5)      That the accused person is/was never related with such an offence and there is no criminal record in his name.

6)       That the accused person is permanently residing at that locality as mentioned above and there is no chance of absconsion of the accused person if bail is granted to him.

7)       That the custody accused person undertakes to abide by all conditions of bail whatever is imposed by the learned Court.

8)      That unless the bail is granted the accused person would suffer harassment and injury in his social dignity and as such it is necessary that bail may be granted in this case.

9)       That in the present case police filed charge sheet, So, there is no scope to hamper in the investigation.

10)    That the accused is ready to face the trial.

11)    That the rest would be submitted at the time of hearing.
                      It is, therefore, prayed that this Hon’ble Court would graciously be pleased to allow the bail application of the accused person on any condition as your hon’our may deem fit and proper,

For this act of kindness, your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.
