Affidavit under section 23(2) of The Protection of Women. From Domestic Violence Act,2005

                                            (See Rule 6(4) and 7)
                        Affidavit under section 23(2) of The Protection of Women
                                      From Domestic Violence Act,2005
                                               BEFORE THE NOTARY PUBLIC
                                          .....................SEPAHIJALA  TRIPURA

IN THE MATTER OF:                      
                                                         D/o                   of                    Vill.
                                                           P.S-            , Dist-Sepahijala Tripura.
                                                          Of Vill. 
                                                         Dist-                                                                                                                                               ………………………………..Respondent.
I,                    W/o                    D/o            P.s-Sonamura , Dist- Sepahijala, Tripura, aged about 24 yers, by Cast-               By profession- House wife, citizen of India, do hereby affirm and say on oath as follows:-
1)    That I am the applicant in the accompanying in application form along with separate application filed for myself i.e all articles given to the respondent at the time of marriage ceremony.
2)    That, the details provided in the present  application for the grant of relief under sections 12,18 (C) have been entered into by me/in my instructions.
3)    That the contents of the said application have been read over, explained to me in Bengali.
4)    That the contents of the said application may be read as part of this affidavit are not repeated herein for the sake of brevity.
5)    That the applicant apprehends repetition of the acts of domestic violence by the respondent against which relief is sought in the accompanying application.
6)    That the relief’s claimed in the accompanying  application are urgent in as much as the applicant needs for returning all articles (STRIDHAN property) from house of the respondent’s.
7)    That the fact mentioned herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed there from.
That the contents of the above affidavit are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and explain to me in Bengali and no part it is fact and nothing material has been concealed there from and signed this verification at Sonamura court complex on this      ----day of Oct, 2018 A/D.

Advocate                                                                                         Deponent.
